February is the month of love and hearts...in more ways than one!

February is heart month in more ways than just Valentine's day

Health & Wellness

Not only is February Black History Month, but it is also Heart Health month.

You may have noticed RiRi and Sarah Lee Ralph rocking Red at the Super Bowl. However, some fans also suggested RiRi wore red to pay tribute to fashion icon André Leon Talley. In any case, If you are into fashion, you can learn more about Rihanna’s outfit at Fashionista.

Photo: Rob Carr/Getty Images

Image Source: Getty / Kevin Mazur

Fashion and Super Bowl aside, it is vital to know "heart disease and stroke are among the leading causes of death among Canadians, and Black communities are among those with the greatest increases in risk factors for heart disease and stroke such as hypertension, diabetes, chronic stress, and obesity. These conditions can impact your quality of life and contribute to higher death rates.” You can read more about it here at Black Health Alliance.

How can you take care of yourself this month and all year round? Unfortunately, or fortunately, the adage is true, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Prevention is key! 8 in 10 cases of premature heart disease and stroke are preventable through healthy lifestyle behaviours. Speak with your primary care provider, such as Nurse Practitioner or doctor, about your risks. If you need support or an accountability partner, consider a Health & Wellness Coach.


Health Coaches help you excel and achieve your health and wellness goals. “Coaching is effective for people managing a variety of health conditions. According to a recent study, coaching “results in clinically relevant improvements in multiple biomarker risk factors (including systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and cardiorespiratory fitness) in diverse populations.” You can read more about it at Harvard Health Publishing if you are interested in it.


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